Admir Mujkic
1 min readFeb 26, 2023


Hi there! Thank you for writing. Would you mind if I added something to our discussion regarding error handling?

There are many tools available for handling exceptions in C#. Based on my experience, I believe we need to follow best practices when handling exceptions in C#.

It is imperative to identify the types of exceptions that may occur when writing code. C# has many built-in exception classes, but you can also create custom ones using inheritance.

An exception is handled during runtime by using a try-catch block. The try block contains the code that may throw an exception, while the catch block handles it. Ensure that you have a catch block for each type of exception you expect.

When an exception is thrown, finally blocks ensure that specific code is always executed. If you want to release resources, close files, or close connections, this is helpful in order to not cause memory leak.

Throw an exception if a specific condition is met. It is useful for handling situations that are not covered by the built-in exception classes.

Objects that implement the IDisposable interface, such as file streams and database connections, are automatically disposed by the using statement. No matter whether an exception is thrown, the resources are always released properly.

As a final note, it is imperative to provide meaningful error messages when throwing or handling exceptions. Debugging will be easier if the programmer or user understands what went wrong and how to fix it.




Admir Mujkic
Admir Mujkic

Written by Admir Mujkic

I am Admir Mujkić, a technical architect with over 15 years of experience helping businesses harness technology to innovate, grow, and succeed.

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